Wednesday 16 November 2011

Babies For Sale and other babies.

Firstly I will put some photo's up of the babies for sale. All $15 each. These 7 chicks all are from the same parents.
Baby 1 (Hen): Available 18-11-11
Baby 2 (Cock): Available 20-11-11(on hold)
same bird(on hold)
Baby 3 (Hen): Available 22-11-11. Far right.
Baby 4(Cock): Available 24-11-11
Baby 5(Hen): Available 26-11-11
Baby 6 (Cock): Available 26-11-11
Same bird
Baby 7 (Cock): Available 30-11-11(on hold for Bec)
Other babies (not for sale)
Yellow face cinnamon grey hen.
And her little brother the 'mystery chick'. Yellow face grey.
Four little ones 6,5,3 and 1 day old.
Little cinnamon chicks.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Double Yolker

This massive egg came from my sky blue hen- grey green split fallow cock. The first egg for this maiden hen.
 Massive egg compared to a normal sized budgie egg.
The egg was fertile. The first embryo looks like died at 6-8 days (?).
 Then a surprise with this 15-16(?) day old embryo.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Babies For Sale- The Hens

Here's some photo's I took today of the baby hens for sale.
Grey green dominant pied spangle (left) and Grey spangle (right) They are both around 8 weeks old.

Grey dominant pied. 7weeks old.
Yellow face cobalt blue. 6 weeks old. Extremely friendly little thing.
same bird
and again, grey green dom spangle and grey dom spangle.

and again
Sky blue spangle (left)6 weeks old and Grey spangle (right)
Sky blue spangle again. She looks a bit mangy because she was plucked bald in the nest but should be fine after her first moult.

Same bird
and again
and again with the yellow face.

Cobalt blue dominant pied 5weeks old.
Same bird again with the grey green dom pied spangle (right)
and same again