Wednesday, 19 October 2011

UBC selections

Last night (18-10-11) was the Nepean Budgie Society UBC selections night. I brought along 7 birds and 5 of them are off to the shields. My cinnamon grey hen had to stay home because she has pins (AHHH disappointing), the two yellowface brothers are going, normal green hen, sky spangle  cock and the little green dom pied are in too.
I should get some photos of them tomorrow. It was hot today and I washed them and stuck them in old show cage to dry off .  I've got until Sunday to get the little blighters show ready.

All other birds are doing well.
I released all the older babies into the aviary today and a couple of birds that had fully recovered from breeding.
Heaps of full eggs at the moment, a few fertile fallow eggs also (not holding my breath). So, baby count today is 39.
One hen I thought had laid 10 fertile eggs had actually laid 14 fertile eggs. I keep taking the older baby as the youngest hatches, so there is only ever 1 tiny chick in the nest. So far 6 have hatched and I'm hoping for a record with another 8 to go. Fingers crossed.
15 nests going at the moment- 6 with eggs- 6 with chicks/eggs and 3 going into their second round.

Last year I bred 30 birds (August- December 2010)  20 cocks- 10 hen

This year so far 67 birds (January- October 2011) 20 cocks -28 hens- 19 too young to tell for sure

Tomorrow photos.

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